
MIPIM VIDEO | Salford’s vision of future is ‘bright’

Mayor Paul Dennett spoke to Place North West about how the local authority is working to deliver a greener, fairer community.

Regeneration plays a large role in making this happen, the Salford Mayor said. He was in Cannes for MIPIM, the international property conference that brings together the private and public sectors to share information, network, and do business for Salford.

Dennett’s message at MIPIM is optimistic.

“The future of the city is really bright,” he said.

Dennett spoke about the big projects currently going on in the city: New Bailey, Greengate, Chapel Street, Salford Crescent. He also discussed MediaCity’s future and the wider Western Gateway strategy.

“When we look at development in the city of Salford today, it’s fair to say it’s job started but certainly not job done,” he said.

You can hear more from Dennett about the work going on in Salford, including the council’s delivery of affordable and net zero carbon housing, in the video at the top of this article. You can also watch the video on the Place North West YouTube channel.

  • Learn more about Salford City Council at
  • Dennett also spoke of the importance of culture in the city’s development. Take a look at, a festival funded by funded by Salford City Council, MediaCity, and Arts Council England


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I would like to see Salford get the ball rolling with the Cross-North proposal and development all up Liverpool Street from Middlewood Locks towards Pendleton. The Salford precinct also needs to be looked at, whether that be a complete redevelopment of the shopping centre to encourage more pop up eateries and drinking establishments, or a repurposing of the area.

By Verticality

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